Continuing Education Management
Community Health Worker (CHW) / Community Health Representative (CHR) Continuing Education Requirements, Application, and Management
Continuing Education (CE) Basics
CE Definition
Continuing education may include credit courses from colleges and universities, workshops, seminars, conferences, lectures, and staff development activities and trainings.
These courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, lectures, and staff development activities shall be oriented towards the enhancement of community health work practice, values, skills, and knowledge. This definition does not preclude cross-disciplinary offerings if they are clearly related to the enhancement of community health work practice, values, skills, and knowledge.
CE Requirements
All certified CHWs and CHRs applying for renewal of certification must include certification of completion of 12 hours of continuing education within the previous two-year certification period. All contact hours may now be obtained through online courses.

Community Health Worker (CHW) / Community Health Representative Continuing Education Requirements, Application, and Management
Continuing Education (CE) Basics
CE Definition
Continuing education may include credit courses from colleges and universities, workshops, seminars, conferences, lectures, and staff development activities and trainings.
These courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, lectures, and staff development activities shall be oriented towards the enhancement of community health work practice, values, skills, and knowledge. This definition does not preclude cross-disciplinary offerings if they are clearly related to the enhancement of community health work practice, values, skills, and knowledge.
CE Requirements
All certified CHWs and CHRs applying for renewal of certification must include certification of completion of 12 hours of continuing education within the previous two-year certification period. All contact hours may now be obtained through online courses.
CE Grace Period
A certified CHW or CHR will have up to 10 business days after the expiration of their certification to upload documents related to applicable CEs for recertification. After the 10 business days grace period, an individual will lose their certification status and have to start the process over from the beginning unless they have requested an extension of the timeline.
Extension of CE Timeline
Active-Duty Military
Active service members, referring to individuals serving in the military, may be eligible for an extension on completing CEs due to active deployment and/or duty requirements. These demands can make it challenging to participate in traditional CE programs or complete required coursework within the standard timeframe.
Medical Incapacitation
A certified CHW or CHR may apply to waive the continuing education requirement if he/she presents a provider’s certified statement that he/she was physically and or mentally incapacitated to the extent that the person could not satisfy the requirement within the previous two-year certification period. A new timeline for completion of the CEs for recertification will be developed upon approval by the CHW Certification Committee.
Other Needs for Extension
In addition to the aforementioned reasons for the possible need for an extension to complete CE requirements, other unique circumstances can also be considered for an extension based on an individual’s application. These circumstances could encompass career changes, significant life events, or unexpected professional challenges that temporarily hinder the completion of CE requirements.
Petition for Extension
Certified CHWs and CHRs can submit a request to the CHWSD for an extension of their CE requirements based on the above identified reasons for extension of CE timeline. A CE extension is at the discretion of the CHWSD Certification Committee. Applicants for an extension will be notified within 30 days if their application has been approved for extension.
CE Approved Requests
Approved Continuing Education Program Providers
The CHWSD Certification Committee will accept qualified continuing education programs accredited, approved, and/or presented by the following organizations or the organization’s state affiliate:
- National Association of Social Workers
- South Dakota Association of Addiction and Prevention Professionals
- South Dakota Board of Addiction and Prevention Professionals
- South Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners
- South Dakota Department of Human Services
- South Dakota Department of Social Services
- National Association of Community Health Workers
- American Public Health Association
- South Dakota Board of Dentistry
- American Nurses Credentialing Center
- South Dakota Board of Nursing
- American Heart Association
- American Diabetes Association
- South Dakota Department of Health
If the organization providing CEs is not on the above list, please complete the form/s below for either individual or sponsor.
The CHWSD Certification Committee may approve other qualified continuing education program providers upon request. An organization wishing to become an approved continuing education program provider may contact [email protected] for more information.
Individual Requests
Individual CHWs and CHRs may wish to apply for review of a training opportunity or CE opportunity to count towards their required 12 CEs per two years to receive recertification. Individuals may request to have a specific training reviewed for approval of continuing education. The request must be submitted by the individual certificate holder seeking approval for CEs. Individual requests for training review for approved CEs will require a 30-day notice prior to the submission of the activity or training to ensure the CHWSD (and, if applicable, the CHWSD Certification Committee’s) review of the training. If an activity is submitted with less than 30-days or after the training has occurred, CE approval cannot be guaranteed or completed prior to the beginning of the training or activity.
Refer to above list of approved CE providers, if the organization providing CEs at the training or conference is not on the above list, please complete the form below. For example, if nursing CEs are provided at a Diabetes conference by the SD Board of Nursing (which is included on the above list), no additional information is needed. Therefore, the CE’s provided at this conference would be allowable by the CHWSD.
Individual certificate holders must complete the following form to apply for an individual request for CE approval:
Organizational Requests
Approved Continuing Education Program Providers
Organizations hosting training activities may apply for CEs for any certified CHW or CHR to receive upon completion of the training activities. This application must be submitted 30 days prior to the beginning of the training activity to allow the CHWSD (and, if applicable, the CHW Certification Committee) time to review and respond to the request.
Refer to above list of approved CE providers, if the organization is not on the above list, please complete the form below.
Organizational CE Application Form:
Audits and Grievances
CE Audits
CE applications are subject to potential audits to ensure compliance with established regulations and guidelines. These audits serve as a vital component of quality control, helping to maintain the integrity of the application process and the credibility of the institution. Audits may encompass various aspects, such as verifying the accuracy of submitted documents, confirming the authenticity of academic credentials, assessing the eligibility of applicants, and scrutinizing financial documentation when relevant.
Complaints and Grievances
Complaints and grievances can be emailed to: [email protected].
If you have questions regarding continuing education requirements, please contact CHWSD at [email protected].